News Blog

Spring Wine Recommendations

| Picks

Our wine recommendations this month meet the following “earth-friendly” criteria organic, biodynamic or regenerative organic– biodynamics and regenerative each start with organic farming but each goes well beyond what can […]

Enjoy Earth-Friendly Wines

| Newsletters
earth friendly wines

At the very beginning of April, salamanders emerged from their earthen burrows to migrate to their vernal pools; American Robins, Red-winged Blackbirds and Phoebes have returned to their northern homes; […]

Wine Recommendations for March 2022

| Picks

White, Pink and Bubbly Recommendations Il Farneto, Frisant Bianco, Emilia-Romagna: $20, Biodynamic A blend of Spergola and Sauvignon Blanc, we got sweet cream, orange, hazelnut and just a whiff of mint […]

Safe Shopping at Windham Wines

| Thoughts
winter scene

Hello Customer-Friends, We start each day by watching the sun creep over the hills and illuminate the sky in various shades from coral to charcoal, or we see the fog […]

15 Under $20, Winter 2022 at Windham Wines

| Picks

What makes a wine a candidate for the winter list rather than summer? Both the winter and summer lists are meant to suggest high value, i.e., we think that they […]

Customer Favorites 2021

| Picks, Uncategorized

This section includes wines that won the palates and hearts of you, our customer-friends, over the past year. Enjoy what others have enjoyed!

Return of the Wine Clubs

| Wine Clubs
Wine Clubs

If you are among the wine curious, then our resurrected wine clubs are for you. Our wine clubs will introduce you to some of our favorite artisanal wines and the families who tend the vines and nurture the juice to ferment and mature. Wines tell a story of place and people. The clubs will help bring that story to you.